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Usage and Service Fee for different types of NMR users

User Category 400 MHz Agilent 400 MHz JEOL 600 MHz INOVA
WVU Chemistry Dept $0/hr $0/hr $0/hr
WVU and affiliated institutions $10/hr $10/hr $16/hr
External academic institutions $40/hr $40/hr $50/hr
Industrial / private companies $75/hr $75/hr $100/hr

Additional costs and services 

Routine service fee: $20 per spectrum per sample for facility personnel to acquire for external users
Training and account setup fee: $50 (flat fee) to train and certify new internal users
Expert services: $200/hr for problem-solving, analysis, and solutions to research challenges by facility personnel

Routine services: The NMR Facility offers the following common NMR experiments, along with helpful tips and suggestions as appropriate. The resulting spectra are provided as PDFs and/or as an FID file, without detailed interpretation:
  • 1D NMR: 1H, 1D NOESY, 1D ROESY, 1D TOCSY, 13C, APT, DEPT90, DEPT135, 19F, 31P, 11B, and 29Si, etc;
  • 2D NMR-gradient selected: gCOSY, gDQCOSY, TOCSY, gDQCOSY, NOESY, ROESY, gHSQC, gHMBC, gH2BC, gHSQC-TOCSY, etc.

Expert services:
The NMR Facility staff provides expert services to assist with the identification and full characterization of unknown samples. Such services include experiment design; data acquisition, processing, presentation, and storage; and full interpretation. Analyzed files can be provided as Mnova files or PDFs.

Research Collaboration: The Facility Manager may engage collaboratively on a case-by-case basis with WVU Chemistry research efforts. Such efforts are expected to result in peer-reviewed publications that enhance the visibility and impact of the facility and department. Service fees are not applied to research collaborations, although instrument time is still charged.